Several weeks ago Barbara rang me with ideas to bring variety into meetings. The upshot was she was ‘Guest VPE’ last Tuesday and showed us what she meant. Her theme for the evening was ‘painters and paintings’ and, importantly, people stepped up to contribute. The 3 main speakers put together speeches on the theme, and in the very engaging Warm Up we all painted word pictures of beautiful sights in our lives. I especially enjoyed Table Topics when Janet projected about 8 well known paintings onto the big screen in turn, and 8 target speakers stood up to describe what they saw and felt. The audience looked and listened hard, through what had the quality of a dream sequence.
Janet’s choice of paintings included: Van Gogh’s “Cafe at Night”, Rousseau’s “Sleeping Gypsy”, Munch’s “The Scream”, McCubbin’s “On the Wallaby”, Renoir’s “The Ball”, Drysdale’s “Sunday Evening”, and more.
Perhaps we should try these ideas again before too long? A meeting strongly focused on a theme and/or a ‘Guest VPE’. Any suggestions anyone?
GUESTS Our 2 guests (and prospective new members) showed they already have what it takes. Both had something to say and wanted to say it.
On April3 we have Nominations before the Election on May1 of the next 7 executive officers to take over in July. Think of nominating yourself for a role. As well as giving back to the club, you will find it a rewarding experience. If you want to nominate yourself or someone else, tell Kyle who is the Nominations Officer.
David Whyte